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Medical Aesthetics for Weddings

Are you getting married or in a Wedding Party? Weddings are highly photographed and videoed. Feel confident and let your inner beauty shine!

If you are considering Medical Aesthetic Treatments, now is the time to book a complimentary medical aesthetic consultation. Many treatments require multiple sessions to achieve desirable results. At a free consultation you will learn about treatment options and get the opportunity to have your questions answered and concerns heard. Your Medical Aesthetic Practitioner will develop a plan with you to achieve your goals in time for the big day! Discounts available for Bride and Groom or Wedding Party.

Improve Complexion:


If skin tone and texture are your concerns, Microneedling can give you the results you desire. Microneedling is Collagen Induction Therapy. Micro-channels are created in the skin to elicit a wound response. During healing, the body creates more Collagen in the skin. Microneedling is great for improving the appearance of scars, fine lines, wrinkles, and enlarged pores. Microneedling can be combined with Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) for heightened results. PRP contains the body’s growth factors. Blood is drawn in the arm and spun in a centrifuge to separate red blood cells from plasma and platelets. When PRP is applied during Microneedling, it supercharges the treatment. It increases the production of collagen, elastin, fibrin, and hyaluronic acid. 3-4 treatments spaced 4 weeks apart is recommended.

Chemical Peels

Chemical Peels break up skin cell bonds and remove cellular debris, to reveal glowing skin. Improve absorption of skincare products

Medical Grade Skincare

Highly customizable for your skin type and concerns.

Relax Wrinkles & Smooth the Skin:

Neuromodulator (Botox/Dysport)

Neuromodulators relax the muscle to decrease movement and visibility of wrinkles

The Perfect Pout:

Dermal Filler

Add volume and hydration with dermal filler.

Neuromodulator – The Lip Flip

A Lip flip is achieved with 4-8 units of a neuromodulator placed above the lip line. It relaxes the muscle to allow the lip to slightly roll upward, giving the illusion of fuller lips. It is subtle and natural.

Wedding Timeline

  • 12-4 months before: Book a Medical Aesthetic Consultation. Consider what your skincare/aesthetic goals are. Your practitioner will develop a plan for treatments to get you the best results. 
  • 4-6 months before: Neuromodulator treatment (lasts 3-4 months). Your final neuromodulator treatment should be 6-8 weeks prior to the big day. Treatments that take a longer recovery time should be done at this time 
  • 6-8 weeks before: Final Medical Aesthetic Treatments before the big day (ie. Neuromodulator, Microneedling)
  • 4-6 weeks before: Final Chemical Peel
  • 1-2 weeks before: Facial or Mask treatment. Nothing new, so you know how your skin will react.

Not Just for Women – Men Need Hair and Skin Treatments Too!

If you’re looking for a treatment to help with hair loss, chin or body fat, acne scarring or premature lines and wrinkles, we have a solution for you. Check out some of our skin treatments that are specially designed for men.
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Do you have excessive sweating…aka hyperhidrosis??

If you’re embarrassed about your skin or body hair, you don’t have to suffer in silence. Men need hair and skin treatments too, and we have a number of treatments that can help. If you’re looking for a treatment to help with hair loss, chin or body fat, acne scarring or premature lines and wrinkles, we have a solution for you. Check out some of our skin treatments that are specially designed for men.
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Everything You Need to Know About Filler Injections

Age is nothing but a number, right? We know that ageing is a natural part of life, and that growing older should be celebrated and not dreaded. But, for those of us who are still young at heart, it can be hard to see the visible signs of ageing staring back at us each day in the form of crow’s feet or laugh lines. If your skin could use a little pick-me-up, you may be considering filler injections, or more specifically hyaluronic acid injection.
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Everything You Need to Know about Chemical Peels

Chemical peels are specially designed to remove the layer of dead skin which is hiding the natural radiance of your face. Chemical peels offered at Rejuvena Medical Aesthetics offer a much higher concentration of active ingredients than peels offered over-the-counter, which often provide very little results.
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PRP Treatment: Become an Ageless Beauty

THE VAMPIRE FACIAL RESTORES THAT YOUTHFUL GLOW WITH SKIN REJUVENATION Have you heard of the Vampire Facelift…otherwise known as a Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) Treatment ? If you haven’t, it’s your ageless beauty skin rejuvenation treatment.
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Nurse using microneedling device on client

4 Reasons to Try Microneedling

IT TREATS MORE THAN JUST ACNE SCARS The key to micro needling is promoting the growth of collagen. This means that, on top of being a great acne scar treatment, it also treats just about anything and everything that can be made better by increased collagen production and smoother, firmer skin!
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