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Everything You Need to Know About Filler Injections

Considering Hyaluronic Acid Injection? Read On!

Age is nothing but a number, right? We know that ageing is a natural part of life, and that growing older should be celebrated and not dreaded. But, for those of us who are still young at heart, it can be hard to see the visible signs of ageing staring back at us each day in the form of crow’s feet or laugh lines. If your skin could use a little pick-me-up, you may be considering filler injections, or more specifically hyaluronic acid injection.


Firstly, it’s important that you don’t let the word “acid” scare you off. Hyaluronic acid (HA) isn’t a harsh or skin stripping acid like salicylic or glycolic acids, for example. HA is polysaccharide that is naturally occurring in the human body, and acts as a lubrication agent for our joints, nerves, skin and eyes. The largest portion of the body’s supply of HA is located in the skin tissues, where it provides moisture and keeps our skin plump, firm, and supple.

We’ve all heard the expression “softer than a baby’s bottom”. Well, babies are born with a large amount of HA, which gives their skin that dewy, pillowy plumpness that we all relish. As you may already suspect, our ability to produce HA declines with age, most significantly after the age of 40, which means our skin becomes increasingly dry, and fine lines and wrinkles begin to appear.


While your skin may never again be as soft as a baby’s bottom, filler injections make it possible to restore your body’s HA content to give your skin a younger, fresher, more supple look. Luckily, the process of receiving a hyaluronic acid injection can take as little as a few minutes, and is relatively pain-free.
First, you’ll have an assessment, where a strategy will be mapped out and a treatment plan will be put into place. When it comes time for the filler injections, a Sandra or Natalie will deliver the solution directly into the sunken or wrinkled areas via a fine needle, and results will be seen instantly. Structurally, the solution being injected is the same molecule as the HA that naturally occurs in your body, only it is produced in a lab.

Following the hyaluronic acid injection, very little downtime is required, and you can return to your normal routine almost immediately. Filler injections are unlikely to cause a reaction since the body will not recognize them as a foreign substance. In anywhere between three and twelve months, the HA gets absorbed by the body and disappears.


While hyaluronic acid injections are most commonly used to help rejuvenate the skin and improve signs of ageing, they can also be used for lip injections, reducing the appearance of acne scars and smoker’s lines.

Whether you have troubling wrinkles, sagging skin, or you’d like to learn more about how filler injections can help reduce your acne scars, speak with Sandra or Natalie about hyaluronic acid injections today!

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